We’re the problem-solving, process-building partner you’re looking for

Fractional operations and chief of staff services

Hire Kelly Meeker and her network of operations pros to assess, plan, and execute your growth strategy. We’re the folks who make things happen—in organizations of any size.

  • We’ll help you define and ship your new product, business process, or infrastructure.

  • Supplement your PMO with experienced pros or develop a new PM team with our hiring and coaching.

  • Get a thought partner who can help you define and execute your growth strategy.

Mike Olivieri, CTO @ Swoogo

“Kelly blends extraordinary business acumen with unparalleled problem-solving prowess, all the while masterfully balancing lofty strategy with ground-level execution.”

Lucy Suros, Board Vice Chairman @ Articulate

“Kelly is a force of nature. As CMO, President, and CEO of Articulate, I looked to Kelly countless times to tackle the hardest projects, programs, product launches, and initiatives.”